
New Earworx Clinics Are Now Open In Launceston

The Earworx team is excited to announce the opening of two new clinics in the North and North-West of Tasmania: one in Launceston and another in Ulverstone.

New Earworx Clinics North & North West Tasmania

Both new Earworx clinics will be run by the lovely and very talented Dani Donegan who brings a wealth of experience to the clinics, particularly with her extensive experience in Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) medicine.

Dani has been a registered nurse for over 26 years, and she has worked all over the country. After completing her graduate year at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, she worked at the Royal Victorian Ear and Eye Hospital where she became the Associate Nurse Unit Manager. She also worked at Darwin Private Hospital before moving to Tasmania, where she has worked as a clinical nurse specialist at the North West Regional Hospital (NWRH).

A real highlight of Daniโ€™s career was her involvement in the Pacific Island Project. This project was run by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, and Dani went to Samoa on three occasions to assist with much-needed surgeries that weren’t available through the local hospitals.

She has also been an advocate for patients suffering from neck and head cancers, with a particular focus on patients who have undergone laryngectomies. Dani has worked hard to create support and resource networks for both patients and carers and was central to the creation of a laryngectomy support group, which is held in the cancer centre at the NWRH.

Dani is the ultimate professional and is an active member of many nursing organisations, including:

  • ACORN (Australian College of Operating Room Nurses)
  • TORN (Tasmanian Operating Room Nurses)
  • OHNNG (Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Nurses Group)
  • ANZHNCS (Australian & New Zealand Head & Neck Cancer Society)
  • ACN (Australian College of Nursing)

Dani Donegan - Earworxโ€œI have reached a point in my nursing career where I am ready for a change and I am excited to be embarking on the Earworx journey,โ€ Dani said.

โ€œGiven my background in ENT nursing, it seems a natural progression for me to take this step into the world of ear wax micro-suction and I am looking forward to this new chapter of my nursing life.โ€

The new clinic will offer the same revolutionary and 100% safe ear wax removal techniques as the Hobart clinic, and patients will receive the same superior quality care. The new clinics are be perfect for anyone seeking treatment a little closer to home in northern Tasmania.

Where Can I Find The Clinics?

Youโ€™ll find the new clinics at:

  • Launceston: Northern Clinic (Mondays and Tuesdays): Newstead Medical Centre – 165 Elphin Rd, Newstead TAS 7250
  • Ulverstone: North West Clinic: Footprints Podiatry (Thursdays and Fridays) – 56 Alexandra Road Ulverstone 7315 Tasmania

How Can I Make An Appointment?

You can use our online booking system to make an appointment with the friendly team at these new addresses. Or you can contact Dani directly by phone or email:

Dani – along with the entire Earworx team – is very excited about the opening of the clinics, and cannot wait to meet you all.

With these new locations, there really is no excuse for putting up with excessive or impacted ear wax. Live life with clear, clean and healthy ears: make an appointment today.