
Category: General Information

Earworx News

Should I Worry About A Blocked Ear?

Whilst often not painful, a blocked ear may be better described as very annoying! It can affect every aspect of your life from hearing love ones at home to talking on the phone at work. Your voice echoes inside your head and your head feels numb, you feel unbalanced, and no matter how hard you

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What is Earwax?

Ear wax, whilst often considered unsightly, performs an important function within our ears. It is a naturally occurring substance that serves to clean, protect, and lubricate our ear canals and is an entirely normal and necessary product of a properly functioning ear. So, What is Earwax? Earwax, or cerumen, is produced in the outer third

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Ear Wax Softener

Ear wax is unsightly, and when built up within the ear canal can cause a range of problems, from blocked ears through to painful ear infections. While ear wax does perform an important function, some of us are unlucky enough to produce more ear wax than needed. If wax builds up to the point where

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